When migrating from XenApp 6.5 to Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop 7.X we noticed that Citrix display names didn’t reflect what was entered in the Display Name vs how Citrix…
Virtual Machines Registering with the Wrong XenApp/XenDesktop Site
Using the same image for multiple XenDesktop/XenApp sites. Occasionally I have seen virtual machines attempt to register with the wrong site when doing a multi-site implementations and usually this is…
Valid Delivery Controller Services Not Found XenDesktop

XenDesktop 7 Delivery Controller Address has Changed. Re-enter the controller address or try a new one. Opening Citrix XenDesktop Studio displayed the following error message. Valid Delivery Controller Services were…
XenDesktop 7.8 Virtual Delivery Agent Upgrade

XenDesktop 7.8 Virtual Delivery Agent Upgrade Start up your master/golden image and mount the XenDesktop 7.8 ISO. Click on AutoSelect.exe to begin the installation. Click on Virtual Delivery Agent for…
XenDesktop 7.8 VDA Upgrade Issue and Fix

During the upgrading of XenDesktop VDA from 7.7 to Citrix XenDesktop 7.8 I ran into an issue. We don’t currently use Personal vDisks and the Personal vDisk check box was…
Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 and Synapse VM Hosted App

XenDesktop VM Hosted Applications One of the last applications we had left to migrate off of our legacy XenApp 5 farms was Synapse. This is one of those really fun…
Citrix PVD Image Update Monitoring Tool

Citrix XenDesktop 7 PVD Image Update Monitoring Tool If you want to view the status of your Citrix PVD Image updates there is a tool that Citrix provided on the…
Zones Missing after XenDesktop 7.6 Upgrade to XenDesktop 7.7

I just completed a couple XenDesktop 7.7 Site upgrades and had experienced some mixed results with Zones showing up in Citrix Studio. Upgrading XenDesktop 7.5 to XenDesktop 7.7 went smooth…
You do not have sufficient permissions Citrix Studio

Cant Login to Citrix XenDesktop 7 Studio- Opening up Citrix Studio users got the following error message when opening Citrix Studio “You do not have sufficient permissions to administer this…
StoreFront web.config File Settings to Change When Load Balancing

When you are utilizing a Netscaler load balancer for your XenApp XML Brokers or XenDesktop Delivery Controllers I recommend changing these settings in your web.config file. Open the web config…
Allow More Time For XenDesktop Login Process

XenDesktop Session Launches Then Disappears You can update the AutoLogonTimeout registry key, however if your logins are taking longer than 90 seconds you should dig into why logins are so…
System Center Endpoint Protection With XenDesktop
Using System Center Endpoint Protection Anti-Virus with XenDesktop and PVS. In most environments you want your workstations and servers to be running current AV definitions so the challenge with using…
Sage PeachTree Breaks XenDesktop VDA Registration
One of our clients had an old version of Sage PeachTree that they wanted installed in their XenDesktop image. After installing the application and restarting the XenDesktop virtual machine I…
Session Brokering Issue in XenDesktop 7.1 and 7.5 Could Result in Unauthorized Access to Another User’s Desktop

This fix addresses a session brokering issue.[From ][#LA4447] (Superseded by BrokerAgent750WX64003) Here is the response I got from Citrix support. http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX140723 addresses the session brokering issue and update all the…
There are no apps or desktops available to you at this time
There are no apps or desktops available to you at this time. Root cause of this issue was the SQL database transaction log was set to autogrow and filled up…
Screen Saver Does Not Start in XenDesktop
To correct the issue with screen savers and power-save options in XenDesktop and XenApp 7 add this registry key to your virtual machines or master image. Hive HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Key path…
XenDesktop Time Zone Issues
XenDesktop sessions were not updating their time even after all the correct policies were configured in Citrix Policies and Microsoft Group Policy. This only occurred from workstations in one building…