If you are using Microsoft Defender for Cloud and also have profiles stored on Azure Files you should verify you have the best plan selected. The Microsoft link below contains…
Tag AVD Personal Desktops With Assigned User
Here’s how you can use a scheduled GitHub Actions workflow to automatically tag virtual machines when users get assigned. This script will check all resource groups for HostPoolType equal to…
Check if Azure Storage Account Keys are Older Than 180 Days
This GitHub Action Workflow can be used to check if Azure Storage Account Keys have been rotated within the last 180 days and scheduled to run automatically. You can add…
Compare and Delete AD Computer Accounts
This script deletes old computer accounts if the Azure virtual machine was deleted. Current script is triggered by Azure Automation webhook and uses Azure Automation credential with a Hybrid Worker.
Install Universal Print Driver and Map Printer
This script will first check if 7zip is installed and if not then install it. Then the script downloads HP Universal PS Driver, installs the driver and then maps a…
Resize Partition After Adding Disk Space
This script can be used to resize the OS partition after you have added additional disk space in Azure on VMware. Current script is triggered by a webhook and uses…
Install NVIDIA Drivers and Set Registry Keys
This script can be used with Azure Automation Runbook and a webhook to trigger the install and configuration. You can also remove modify the script to fit your needs. If…
GitHub Actions Workflow to Delete Multi-Session Host Pool VMs Running an Old Image
This workflow can be used to delete old image version session hosts. The script will do the following: • Checks if the VM is deallocated or running. If deallocated, the…
Find AVD User and Log Off
This script can be used to log off a user from Azure Virtual Desktops or you can integrate this with a request form and use it for user self-service.
Check for Failed Azure Extensions and Remove
This script will check your VMs for a specific failed extensions/CSE and remove them if the virtual machine is running.
Check Azure Compute Quota with Scheduled GitHub Action
Here’s how you can check your Azure compute quota with a scheduled GitHub Action workflow. This runs on a schedule but can also be run manually on a specific subscription.
Find and Delete all Orphaned Azure NICs and
Here’s a script that will find all the Azure Network interfaces that are orphaned/Unattached and remove them. Excludes any Private Endpoints and uses Resource Graph to quickly find the NICs.
Delete AVD Multi-Session Hosts Running Old Image
Here’s a script to delete all the AVD Multi-Session hosts running a pervious image version. The script will do the following: • Checks if the VM is deallocated or running.…