This script will get your Azure Compute Gallery or Galleries then check all images, latest version, target regions, regional replication counts, storage account types and provisioning status/replication status. It will…
Upgrade AVD Win10 Multi-Session Image to Windows 11Multi-Session
Verify your VM is GEN2 and deallocated, then run the PowerShell commands to enable trusted launch for your VM. Enable Trusted launch on existing VMs – Azure Virtual Machines |…
Enable TrustedLaunch, SecureBoot, and vTPM on Existing VMs
Script to enable Trusted Launch on existing Azure Gen2 virtual machines. The script will check if the VM is deallocated and enable Trusted launch, secure boot, and vtpm. After the…
Remove Azure VM Extension Before Capture For AVD Images
If you have Azure policies in place that automatically install Microsoft Monitoring Agent/AMA/Log Analytics Agent or Onboard Defender For Cloud you should removes these before capturing your virtual machine so…
Enable Azure Accelerated Networking
Here’s a script to enable Azure Accelerated Networking for existing Azure Virtual Desktops VMs. Script will check all VMs in the subscription to see if they are deallocated and if…