Citrix AppDisk Create New Version

Citrix AppDisk Create New Version

How to Create New Versions of Citrix AppDisks with PVS.

In Citrix Studio under AppDisks right click on the Sealed AppDisk that you want to create a new version of and select Create New Version.

Citrix AppDisks Right Click and Create New Version

Type in a Name and edit the description to reflect the changes that your making so other admins know what was updates are in the new version. The more details the better.

Select the Catalog and click Create New Version.

Before clicking OK, Go to Citrix Provisioning Server Console.


Citrix AppDisks Create a New Version of Admin Software

Citrix Provisioning Server Console-

Under Stores, navigate to the Store where your master vDisk is located. Right click on the vDisk and select Versions.

PVS Versions_AppDisk Versions Update

Create a new vDisk version and click Done.

vDisk versions for Admin Support tools AppDsik version

Power on your master virtual machine and select the maintenance vdisk at the boot menu.

VSphere Client Virtual Machine Console View

After the virtual machine is power on. Click OK.

AppDisk Before proceeding do the following

The virtual machine will reboot a couple times and you will need to select the maintenance vDisk after each reboot from the VM console. Wait for the AppDisk to finish creating.

New AppDisk Version Being Prepared

Login to the master VM and start installing your applications when the State shows “Ready to install Applications”.

Citrix AppDisk New Version - Ready to Install Applications

When you are finished installing applications, just leave the virtual machine powered on and go back to Citrix Studio. Click on Seal AppDisk and choose Yes.

Citrix AppDisk - Are you sure you want to Seal the AppDisk

Citrix AppDisk NewV Ready



Login to your AppDNA server if you want to see more information about the AppDNA tasks/status.

Select Tasks from the Administration menu.

AppDNA 7.8 Admin Tasks

AppDNA Tasks1


When the State is changed to Ready, you can go add the new AppDisk version to your Delivery Group.

Citrix AppDisk Ready 1


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