This workflow can be used to delete old image version session hosts. The script will do the following: • Checks if the VM is deallocated or running. If deallocated, the…
Find AVD User and Log Off
This script can be used to log off a user from Azure Virtual Desktops or you can integrate this with a request form and use it for user self-service.
Delete AVD Multi-Session Hosts Running Old Image
Here’s a script to delete all the AVD Multi-Session hosts running a pervious image version. The script will do the following: • Checks if the VM is deallocated or running.…
Replicate AVD MSIX App Attach Files to Storage Account Shares in Different Regions
If you have AVD Host Pools in multiple regions and you are using App Attach you will want to replicate your packages to a Azure Storage account in the same…
Send AVD Host Pool Session Load Info to Teams
Used for all Multi-Session Host Pools then the script gets Active Sessions, Disconnected Sessions, Session Host Count, Maximum Session Limit, Total Sessions and Session Usage Percentage which is based on…
Set Azure VM License Type Windows_Client
This script will help update licenses on all your Azure VMs, output to csv and has the option to exclude specific virtual machine names. For my VMS I needed to…
Get All Groups and Users in AVD Assignments
This script will get all the user accounts and groups in your Azure Virtual Desktop Application Groups Assignments. It will output to a table with ApplicationGroupName, HostPoolName, SessionType, Assigned
Move Sessions Hosts to New Host Pools Based on VM Location.
This script automates the process of moving Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Sessions hosts to new host pools based on the VM location and then reassigns the user back to their…
Delete Azure Virtual Machines Including NIC and Disk with PowerShell
Unassign Users from Personal Azure Virtual Desktop
Open PowerShell and modify the SubscriptionID, ResourceGroupName, HostPoolName and SessionHostName. This script will remove the currently assigned user.
Get the Total Number of Active Sessions in a Host Pool (Azure Virtual Desktop)
Here’s a quick PowerShell script to get the total number of active sessions in a Azure Virtual Desktop host pool.
Automatically Change Unattached Disks to Standard HDD
I usually use FunctionApp function with a timer to run maintenance type of scripts but this script can also be used manually. This can be helpful if you still need…
Configure Windows 10 AVD Multi-Session Intune Automatic Enrollment
To configure automatic enrollment of your AVD Windows 10 Multi-Session hosts you will need to enable the “Enable automatic MDM enrollment using default Azure AD credentials” policy setting in either…
Deallocate Stopped Azure Virtual Desktops With Function App
Here’s an example of how you can automatically check for stopped virtual machines and if any are found the script will Deallocate them so you don’t continue to get billed.…
Adding MSIX Packages to Azure Virtual Desktops
Open Azure Portal and go to the host pool you want to use. Click on MSIX Packages Add and type in the path to the packages. Click Add, then select…