This script will get your Azure Compute Gallery or Galleries then check all images, latest version, target regions, regional replication counts, storage account types and provisioning status/replication status. It will then create one table with all the information and then a second table with the images that missing in your required regions. This can be used to make sure your AVD images are replicated to the required regions.
inlineScript: |
# 2 Tables
$output = @()
$missingRegionsOutput = @()
#Modify required regions
$requiredRegions = @('East US', 'Central US', 'Qatar Central', 'Southeast Asia',
'West Europe')
# Get all galleries in the subscription
$allGalleries = Get-AzGallery
foreach ($gallery in $allGalleries) {
$galleryName = $gallery.Name
$resourceGroupName = $gallery.ResourceGroupName
$imageDefinitions = Get-AzGalleryImageDefinition -ResourceGroupName
$resourceGroupName -GalleryName $galleryName
foreach ($imageDef in $imageDefinitions) {
$imageVersions = Get-AzGalleryImageVersion -ResourceGroupName
$resourceGroupName -GalleryName $galleryName -GalleryImageDefinitionName
$latestVersion = $imageVersions | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending |
Select-Object -First 1
$replicationDetails = $latestVersion.PublishingProfile.TargetRegions
# Check if the image is available in all required regions
$imageRegions = $replicationDetails | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }
$missingRegions = $requiredRegions | Where-Object { $_ -notin $imageRegions
if ($missingRegions) {
$objMissing = [PSCustomObject]@{
'ResourceGroupName' = $resourceGroupName
'GalleryName' = $galleryName
'ImageName' = $imageDef.Name
'MissingRegions' = ($missingRegions -join ', ')
$missingRegionsOutput += $objMissing
foreach ($detail in $replicationDetails) {
$obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
'ResourceGroupName' = $resourceGroupName
'GalleryName' = $galleryName
'ImageName' = $imageDef.Name
'LatestVersion' = $latestVersion.Name
'TargetRegion' = $detail.Name
'RegionalReplicaCount' = $detail.RegionalReplicaCount
'StorageAccountType' = $detail.StorageAccountType
'ProvisioningState' = $latestVersion.ProvisioningState
$output += $obj
# Display details
$output | Format-Table -AutoSize
Write-Host "`nImages Missing in Required Regions:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$missingRegionsOutput | Format-Table -AutoSize