End User Guide How to Span your Citrix Desktop Across 2 or more Monitors

End User Guide How to Span your Citrix Desktop Across 2 or more Monitors
  1. Login to your Citrix Desktop.Citrix Netscaler Logon Page User Name and Password
  2. Next you will move your mouse to the top of the screen and click on the black rectangle to show the drop down menu.Citrix Receiver Drop Down OptionCitrix Receiver Drop Down Option Full Screen
  3.  Click on Window button to shrink the Citrix Desktop Viewer Window so you can adjust the size.Citrix Receiver 2 Screens Drag the Window into the middle
  4. Move your mouse to the right side until the horizontal arrow appears and then drag the Citrix Desktop Viewer window onto your other screen or screens.Citrix Receiver Window Resize to 3 Screens Drag Window1
  5.  After the Citrix Desktop Viewer window appears on all your screens, click the drop down menu and select Full Screen.Citrix Receiver Full Screen Click
  6. After clicking the full screen button, your desktop should appear across all the monitors.Full Screen Desktop Viewer


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